He held her for this would never again be. Two hearts beating held together became one again .Lost in these moments there was only this where they existed .For one night he could find what was felt where words only came in whispers Touch became taste as each the other felt and hungers fed. For this one night in being he held her as never again

© Edge/2019


  1. Hungers fed... a longing finally satiated. But to have only once (one night/never again) gives it a feeling of being both immediate and temporary. The desire is fulfilled but will one be left hungry for more? (As an aside, some of the images to the writes don't seem to be showing. I can see this one but not others)

    1. Thanks , kinda like that , all for one night and then never again ( I copied and pasted some so I will have to correct them , I see them but I had a feeling they might not show ,Thanks )


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