
We are all creatures of our habits , we remain as such in this world we build and we stand behind the walls we built ever growing for that is what we have become . No matter how the world see's us we are who we are and as the world push's we only build the walls stronger for failure would mean the end . So we stand and are on guard , ever aware of the changes that are around us .So be .., for what are we if not ourselves , accepted or thrown aside we remain true to ourselves when it seems impossible  .If but one wish it is to see what stands outside of that wall , for even among the thistle there grow flowers and these stand out if we only look , and they are waiting for you to accept them , and you should for what is life without seeing the beauty that lives there . Be safe of the heart , for within it there is more then this world can ever have , we only allow what we want in and this be careful of for you matter , even if there are those who wish to destroy that for there own .Yes it will break more times then anyone can handle but each break heals and in so becomes stronger till there comes a time when all that will be needed for there will be a time when even hell can't stop what the heart wants , fight bravely for this battle will be worth ever ache and scar ......this will be what you have been waiting for and without seeing it it will be the regret that lives within the darkest place imaginable .Spare your heart the misery and see it when it comes for it will be worth every moment as it will live forever in the heart and within your eyes as you will see that beauty every time you look , it will be ageless and in time as we fade it stays , So be ........till the last breath remain true and you will see , Love does exist , standing among the thistle there is one that waits .........so be . ,

© Edge/2019
